“Evolution is a constant, and non-linear process.”

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Why do bad things keep happening to me? Episode 10 ~ Old Souls & Seekers

Life can be a difficult thing to understand at times. Why do bad things happen to us? Why do good things happen to us? What are the spiritual meanings behind certain things that may or may not happen? How do we fight fear? There are so many unanswered questions in life, but today we try to talk through them and potentially answer a few of them.
In this week’s episode of Old Souls & Seekers, we have my dear friend Kira Saltzman joining us to discuss our spiritual journeys, and all the factors related to finding the meaning behind aspects of life.

“As long as we live on this earth, we need an ego.”

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The Cliff Notes:

  • Spiritual Bypass Syndrome is having the mind-frame that the universe is in control of everything that happens to you, and using it as a mask to excuse what is really happening.
  • It’s easy to get caught up in a stress bubble. You may not realize how stressful your life is until you step outside of it for a moment.
  • Ego has a bad rep in the spiritual community, even though we need it to keep us going.
  • The ego keeps us surviving!
  • There is constant metamorphosis, where we shed our ego and gain a new one.
  • We are relational beings.
  • We have “soul contracts.”
  • Learn to make and understand healthy boundaries.
  • Authenticity means you are speaking one hundred percent from your personal truth.
  • Do not leap and jump to conclusions because others are.
  • Really connect with what is happening in your psyche and your soul.
  • Grief is the demon of the heart chakra.
  • Mourning and grieving are how we rebalance our heart chakras.
  • We hold onto anger as a way of not grieving. You will need to let that go.
  • Fear is a mind-killer.

Courage is saying “I’m afraid, fuck it I’m going to do it anyway.”

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