How is it we have so much proof in our lives for what actually works, yet we keep going back to that old programming?

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Many times we hit success by, what seems like, an accident. Our brain tries to create a formula of what we did before to achieve the same results. The formula in turn leads to our downfall.

It doesn’t seem like it would make sense, but the truth is that creating a formula limits us. It puts us on a strict path and we don’t deviate from it.

We don’t live in a constant world. Trends are always changing, people’s habits are always changing, and therefore there is no way to come up with a formula that will always work.

Instead, you need to continue to do what you did to achieve that first success, which is: follow your intuition.

Surrender to the circumstance, to the moment. Trust in the path, and don’t be afraid to deviate.

When you learn to trust your intuition and your guiding force from the universe you won’t recreate the success you had – you’ll create the new success you want.

In this episode of Old Souls & Seekers, we analyze the reasons why people go back to their old programming and habits. We consider all of the reasons we naturally let our terrified brains take control and how to take a moment to let the universe guide us.

Download this episode today to hear how you can achieve greatness by not analyzing, but starting to listening.

The Possibility cannot arise in a future that’s known.

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The Cliff Notes:

  • We resort to our default mode that we were “just lucky”.
  • Don’t default to what the brain says, look at the results you’re receiving.
  • We have a choice to operate from experience or from intuition.
  • One of your gifts is looking at the greater whole.
  • How much are you willing to live your life purely on intuition?
  • Stop looking for the formula for success and fulfillment.
  • If you know what’s coming, that’s all that will be.
  • The path of least resistance is the path of surrender.
  • Notice the internal shifts within your body.
  • Your brain is just a terrifying probability machine.
  • Good energy wants to be around other good energy.
  • There’s nothing to worry about until there’s something to worry about.
  • The investigation is a waste of your time.
  • Don’t take a win and turn it into a formula.
  • Invest yourself in the unknown.
  • Remain a tourist in your life.
  • The energy you create now will be affecting 2018.

Why do people struggle so much to break old habits?

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