Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. Your ego has strength, but it has crazy weaknesses too.

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We’ve said it before, and we will say it again. Stop doing, and start being. BE present. BE in the moment. BE here. Everyone can have their own spiritual experiences any moment, as long as you tap into the world around you. Take a moment to be one with yourself. Take a moment to let your surroundings truly resonate with you.

Lauren Peters joins us on this episode of Ols Souls & Seekers to discuss spiritual encounters that have lead or can lead to vibrational realizations through these experiences.

If your environment is not supportive of who you are, then it’s time to consider there are people to let go of.

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The Cliff Notes:

  • No matter what circumstance you choose to be in, get the answer from within.
  • When you trust and continue to take action, you will be given the next steps.
  • Have your vision in place.
  • Live through the body’s conscious awareness.
  • Be your truth and notice what truth feels like.
  • Check out the human design chart!
  • Sensational work is rootwork.
  • Starting with conscious language might not always be the best starting point for some people.
  • If you want to take this journey, ensure your environments allow you to thrive.
  • 400;”>Create circumstances around you that push you towards a higher level of consciousness.
  • Flow states happen in mystery and challenges.
  • Flow states dilate time.
  • Don’t fuck with your integrity or commitments.
  • If you need to burn bridges, burn them with kindness.
  • Don’t turn ego into the enemy.
  • Your ego does not get to choose your reality.
  • Our body biologically is meant to work a certain way, and part of that is the ego.
  • Learn the conscious language and technology within you.
  • When you marry experience with information, then you get wisdom.
  • We are meant to experience lessons.

Apply the truths within yourself to your relationships or careers, to really know the right answer.

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