Take actions that not only shift your life but also shift other people’s lives as well.

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It’s easy to go through life on autopilot. We can believe that the people in our life was forced on us, that the situation we are in is not our fault and that we are just victims of circumstance.

That’s not true.

People are in your life for a reason. You chose them to be there for one reason or another. They are there to help you grow as a person. Whether they are there to lend you a hand or create a challenge for you to overcome your need to take advantage of this.

Your situation is there for a reason. We are always able to receive our goals and dreams, but they will never come to us the way we expect them to. They come when we are ready to receive them, and they will show themselves in ways we could never have dreamed.

Take everything that comes into your life as an opportunity. Let it empower you.

Don’t let it hold you back.

In this episode of Old Souls & Seekers, Ilan reads and analyzes The Little Soul and the Sun by Neal Donald Walsch. Download this episode to hear the power of literature, and wake up to the world of angels you are surrounded by.

Everyone in your life you called into your life for a reason.

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The Cliff Notes:

  • Everyone shows up in our lives for a reason.
  • The world sends you opportunities, but not in ways you want or expect.
  • We all have the gift of being the light in a room.
  • Someone watching an act of kindness will have the same emotional and chemical reaction in the brain as someone doing the act.
    • Your actions do have an impact on everyone around – even the simple ones.
  • See everyone around you as an angel you called into your existence.
  • Follow things that empower your life.

You constantly have opportunities to take action and be an example to others. Take it.

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The Little Soul and the Sun