“Think of yourself as a business person, not a freelancer.” – Jess Todtfeld

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In today’s society, it’s important to make yourself heard. Get your voice out there. Whether it’s through social media, YouTube videos, podcasts, whatever. It’s so important to be branding yourself.

The term used to be ABC: Always Be Closing. Today it’s ABM: Always Be Marketing. You need to get out there, add your value to the world, and find a way to serve people.

Now it’s important to note that you can’t make everyone happy. That’s ok. Just get your message out there.

A lot of people wonder how they can do that, and the simplest way is this: tell a story.

Decide what the point is you want to make, tell your audience what it is, then follow it up with a story that proves what you are saying. It’s that easy to make an impact and get your voice heard.

With that note, don’t be afraid of objections. Embrace them, and be willing to admit when you are wrong. It’s ok to be wrong, and people admire someone who can admit it.

On this episode of Old Souls & Seekers, we are joined by Jess Todtfeld, who knows exactly how to make an impact in the world. He was a stand-up comedian who is now one of the world’s foremost speakers. He shares his insights on how you can make an impact on the world.

Download this episode now to learn how you can make your voice heard.

“Act it and become it.” – Jess Todtfeld

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The Cliff Notes:

  • Today you are your own brand more than ever.
  • You need to communicate your story to the world.
  • There’s no way you can make everyone happy.
  • If you’re not your biggest advocate, no one else will be.
  • Always be adding value.
  • People always circle back, so plant good seeds.
  • Don’t ask how you can make $10k a month, ask how you can add $10k in value to the world.
  • We always have to challenge ourselves.
  • Open with fire.
  • Serve the second you get in front of people.
  • Always think about your audience, and who you are really talking to.
  • Keep your energy up, and get the audience’s energy up.
  • Speak something into existence.
  • Give to give.
  • Be willing to adjust to what is happening around you.
  • Storytelling is incredibly powerful.
  • We are natural-born storytellers.
  • Every story needs to have a point.
  • Tell people the point of a story at the beginning.
  • Learn to love objections

“Stories are the currency of life.” – Jess Todtfeld

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Jess Todtfeld’s Website

Jess’ Twitter

Jess’ LinkedIn