Every cell in your body is like a foot soldier that paints your reality to match.

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Getting Your Worlds To Match ~ Episode 90 ~ Manifest Destiny

How many times do you say to yourself that you are upset that you’re not where you want to be in life? How often do you complain that things aren’t going your way? When you do that, you’re magnetizing more of what you don’t want.

The world, and the universe, respond to the energy we put out. And the energy stems from our feelings. The universe doesn’t understand our words, it understands what we are feeling.

When we put out negative feelings, every part of our being sends out a signal that that’s what it’s going through and it attracts more of that energy.

If you want to change, you have to change your feelings, not just your mindset. Here’s something to try:

Close your eyes. Imagine you are where you want to be in life, with all of the success and money you want. Now focus on the feeling that comes with actually being there, at that moment.

You’ve just created the feeling of being where you want. Every time you feel negative, revisit this feeling and you’ll find your entire world shifting towards putting you in that place.

But it’s important to know that just because that’s how you imagine it, doesn’t mean it’s going to show up that way. Be open to options, to chances, and you may find yourself being somewhere even better than you originally imagined. Somewhere that you could not have perceived before.

In this episode of Old Souls & Seekers, we explore how your perception gets you where you are, and how small simple shifts can get you to where you want to be.

Download this episode today to begin transforming your life and opening your mind to possibilities you didn’t know were possible.

Just because it’s your perception doesn’t mean it’s true.

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The Cliff Notes:

  • 400;”>Creating a frequency is what magnetizes results to you.
  • Invest the most amount of time in self-love.
  • Most people create very structured goals.
    • This creates limitations.
  • Don’t cut yourself off from options.
  • Every cell in your body is like a foot soldier that paints your reality to match.
  • Internally judging what you’re missing attracts more of what you are feeling.
  • Concentrate on how you want to feel, not what you want to create.
  • Remove the judgment to have an opinion.
  • Your judgment creates resistance, which creates zero momentum forward.
  • Don’t be afraid to listen to other opinions and give up your positions.
  • When you get to that place that’s so true, you don’t need to go out and ask for approval or argue your opinion.
  • The mind will always have concerns.
  • Close your eyes and visualize your perfect life, now create the feelings from that experience.
  • Focus on the internal, don’t muck around in the external.
  • Everything you manifest is based on your feeling.
  • Start by making slight shifts in perception.
  • Don’t take your current state and make it wrong.
  • Can you love the mess as much as you love being in love?

Everything you manifest is based on your feeling. Your feeling is based on your perception.

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Power of the Subconscious Mind by Dr Joe

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