How to Improve Your Relationship (to Yourself and Others): Episode 287 WITH GUY & ILAN FERDMAN

In Today's Episode:

  • How To Improve The Relationship With Yourself And Others
  • Why The Internal Work Must Come First In Order To Reach Success
  • How To Repair A Broken Relationship Without Therapy Or Changing The Other Person
  • Powerful And Simple Exercises To Improve Your Inner Well Being
  • How To Get A Major Relationship Breakthrough in 6 Weeks
  • ….And MUCH MORE!

In this week's episode of the Old Souls & Seekers podcast, we're happy to be back as a duo and we're bringing it full on with a deep talk about relationships and especially the inner relationship we all have with ourselves, how that impacts everything in life and how to improve it

As the year 2022 is coming to an end, it's safe to say it's been a year that has been quite challenging for a lot of people. We've had our ups and downs, and the people we work with have reported back to us many life challenges as well as big breakthroughs.

Everything in your life gets easier when your relationship to the inner world experience changes

Guy Ferdman

As we approach the new year, a time when most people are winding down for the holidays, but also reflecting on their goals for the next year. We wanted to set the tone for what's possible and give you a take on how to make the coming year the absolute best.

When setting goals a lot of people think of external and material goals. They want more money, a bigger house, a new car, or a new job. And there's nothing wrong with that. But we're here to offer a different perspective on all of those goals. Because without internal balance and alignment, there's nothing external that can make your life better.

In today's episode, we'll take a deep dive into how your internal relationship with yourself is the fundamental key to personal growth and success in the coming year and for the rest of your life. We share with you how to improve your relationship with yourself and others with tips and exercises so that you can reach your full potential.

Episode Timestamps:

6.00 Guy’s story about his recent life events

15.00 Feelings and how it controls people

22.00 Ilan shares about habitual survival mechanisms

28.00 Ilan’s experiences with his daughter

38.00 Guy takes you through an exercise in awareness

45.00 Why the inner world is the most important

55.00 How to get a major breakthrough in your life

No one is coming to save you – if you want a major breakthrough you have to get off your ass and do something new

Guy Ferdman




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