[socialpug_tweet tweet=”“The more you get into the feeling of giving, the better your life actually shines.”
– Ilan Ferdman”]

How to be patient – Practice Your Patience Anywhere Anytime | Episode 189

Life is rushed and we’re all trying to live as if it’s already tomorrow instead of today.

Think about a time where you were so focused on something that hasn’t happened yet that you were completely unengaged in the present activity.

This behavior costs us because we are constantly losing out on noticing the beautiful things within every moment.

That’s why in today’s short and sweet episode of Old Souls & Seekers, we talk about the importance that patience plays in every experience of life.

Tune in to this conversation to learn an invaluable practice that you can do anywhere and anytime you want; a practice that will teach you to grasp patience in an incredibly effective way!

Make it an amazing day!

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”“Each one of us is here to live out our path and who am I to judge what the person’s path is?”
– Ilan Ferdman”]

The Cliff Notes:

  • Giving any kind of gift typically promotes good feelings for yourself.
  • The practice of intentionally projecting positive energy towards others makes you more present. 
  • When you feel you aren’t displaying the best version of yourself, address it by extending love to others.
  • Patience allows you to experience the world around you more vividly.
  • Practice giving love to any and everyone that passes by you even when you don’t actually interact with them.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”“The process of constantly giving and sharing this love with other people has been profound in that I get to be filled with love by the virtue of me giving that love.”
– Ilan Ferdman”]